
By admin, 16 July, 2024

Dewas. A workshop on water conservation was organized at Kinder Higher Secondary School, Dewas. The keynote speaker was an ecologist and a member of the United Nations IUCN. 5 Commission members of the Commission Dr. Sunil Dubey from Udaipur Rajasthan, Dr. Shekhar Sarbhai Soil Scientist and Retired Technical Director from Soil and Land Use Survey of India, New Delhi. 

By admin, 15 July, 2024

First event of the session is all about our precious nature in Kinder School, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India

Water Conservation under the tagline HUMARA PANI HUMARI JIMMEDARI, as it is very important for us to understand the right way to use this precious gift of nature and how to conserve it, as it is running out and soon we can face this shortfall. So it's time to induce this habit in our daily lives to save and conserve water.

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